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Our own web server

Many PC users with Internet access combined with the term "web server" a kind of mainframe computers on which are the data that can be seen on the Internet. Actually, a Web server, however, a not particularly great software that can run on any computer, in principle, not only on server computers on the Internet, but also on any PC. It is not even an Internet connection is required to operate a web server. There have only TCP / IP sockets are supported (Windows, for example, the file is) winsock.dll responsible. If your operating system ie TCP / IP sockets support, have already met all the prerequisites to a Web server offline and run without connection expenses. Browsers and Web servers will run on the same machine, but can then communicate with each other, as is customary on-line connections to the Internet.

Your own Web server, you should be treated here in relation to install locally on your PC to a CGI interface to have. For CGI works only when a Web server is available. Much of what is possible on the WWW with CGI, you can create complete locally on your PC. So you can test your own CGI scripts during the construction phase alone and without on-line costs. You can then work the same way as you have HTML files or JavaScripts are accustomed. In addition, you tend to get a feel for the collaboration between browsers and web servers.

Even if you yourself are provider, a leased connection to the Internet and have run a public web server, it makes sense to set up on a separate machine to work on a local Web server. So, do not burden the public computer while you create CGI scripts and test.

A locally installed Web server does not affect your existing Internet access. He uses only the TCP / IP protocol on your computer (eg winsock.dll) die. Settings that are important for your online connection to the Internet, not interested in the Web server and can remain unchanged.

An installed Web server is reachable when an Internet connection via the Web, if you have not run the PC into a secure local area network or equipped with additional protection software (firewall software). Because every time you connect to the internet you are registered with a unique IP address. Either you get from your provider has a fixed IP address, or IP address when dialing into the Internet dynamically assigned by the dial-in server. On Windows (Windows 9x) you can when an Internet connection in the Windows directory, the program winipcfg.exe call to see your own IP address, from Windows 2000 to use) the cmd.exe (command prompt and enter ipconfig to view the Windows IP can display configuration. Suppose you are registered with the IP address 145,233,101,211, then your local web server running on the Internet at the address reach. This address must be a foreign user to know, of course, for now. But if he or she knows, they may on your PC in the directory area which is defined by the web server, "surf". This can have advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, you can show other people this way your Web pages without having to upload them to a public computer to have. The other hand, an uninvited visitor could try to herumzuspionieren on your PC.

after obennach below
Applicable Products

Fortunately, there are several web servers on the Internet for downloading, which are freeware or shareware, that is, These products do not cost anything or require only after a free trial, a small registration fee. For local use of these products are sufficient. The Internet most popular English-language web site apache is also available for typical PC operating systems like Windows. Given the fact that this product is already serving on the majority of servers on the Internet their service, it is probably the most recommendable product.

In the link directory of the online offer of SELFHTML currently see a product overview with links to the vendors:

Online server side SELFHTML-Link Directory: Software

On the provider side, you can download the products in general.

after obennach below
Basic settings for the local operation

A web server is not a program with "desktop". By invoking the executable program file, simply restart the server operation. Your browser is then able to communicate with the server on your computer, just as the browser can communicate with any public web server. Before the work properly, you must set up your web server, however, that is, important basic settings.

Some Web servers can dialog-After starting up (eg OmniHTTPd Quid Pro Quo for Windows or Macintosh), and for other products set up the Web server before the first start by editing configuration files (in this example, Apache is the httpd.conf file in the Programmunterverzeichnis conf). Some products run on Windows in a DOS window (eg Apache), but can be set as background services on more modern environments. Search in doubt after installing the web server in the program directory for help files. There should be documented, as you can set up your web server. All settings remain stored in any case. If your Web server so only work one time, you will need him even more by starting and stopping the program file on and off. You can usually even with the help of some generated during the installation messages reach the start menu.

The following important information you need to set as desired or correct:

* IP address and hostname of the server
For local operation, you need to here usually the reserved IP address or localhost adding the reserved host. If the details do not work, try to find the help file for details, or contact the product provider of the Web server on its home page (for e-mail address search!) In combination. When working the details, you can switch the browser to the web server locally stored HTML files on the Internet site addresses or http://localhost/.
* Port of the server
It is usually entered 80th Ports are numbers for TCP / IP services on the computer in question. For frequently used services so-called Well Known Ports are set. This means that these port numbers are used by clients such as browsers and FTP clients default, unless explicitly stated otherwise. For the FTP service are, say, 20 and 21, the default port numbers for the HTTP service, it is 80 Read the documentation for safety but for the web server, which number you should enter here.
* HTTP root directory for HTML files (document root)
You specify your operating system according to the syntax of the pathname, below which are your local HTML files. If you use Windows, you could be here, for example type c: \ www \ data - depending on where you put your local HTML file entry. If you MyHome.htm in this directory, for example a file, you can save this file when turned on web server with your browser through the HTTP protocol on or http://localhost/myhome.htm . Call
* Default HTML file name for directories
The most common name for it is index.html or index.htm. If there is an HTML file with the appropriate name in a directory that is enough for a URI, for example is then loaded with
* Physical and virtual directory for CGI scripts
As a physical directory, type according to the syntax of your operating system pathname of the directory in which you want to drop executable CGI scripts. The usual name for this directory is cgi-bin. Example, if you use Windows, you could be here, for example c: \ www \ cgi-bin type - depending on where you want to put the CGI scripts. The directory in question you have. Create You must also specify at most a virtual web server CGI directory. Wear this best / cgi-bin. If you for example, a Perl script called in the c: \ www \ cgi-bin store, you can do it with or http://localhost / run cgi-bin/
* Perl interpreter and other interpreters
In order to Perl scripts as CGI scripts are running, you must specify the full pathname of the Perl interpreter executable file. On Windows, you must, for example c: \ program files \ perl \ bin \ perl.exe enter, depending on where you will find the executable. You need to install Perl side or the Perl interpreter.
* Log Files
Most web servers run "logs" of all HTTP requests to files or CGI programs. These are the standard side log files. There are two important log files: one for the logging of accesses (access.log) and an error.log for error logging (). Wear a best of these typical names, if your web server has no standard definitions for it. These files, you can present any issues with a file viewer or text editor, they show you important information if you have any problems during the current server operation.
* Timeouts
There are time limits for how long the browser wait for a response from the server, and how long the server tries to send data to the browser. The information shall normally be in the form of a second. Enter for example for sending and receiving 60 (= one minute) a.
* MIME types
Page MIME types set in this context, the file formats that knows the web server and is willing to transfer to the calling browser. Other file types than those listed above does not send the server with the correct MIME type, or text with the adjusted standard MIME-type (/ eg plain). Normally preconfigured all major file types. To add a specific file type (eg, Excel files), you must specify a MIME type name (eg, application / ms-excel) and a typical filename extension (eg. Xls). Then the server is ready to transfer files, even those with the correct MIME type to the browser. The browser needs to know, of course, what to do with that file type (see the section page references to arbitrary files on the Internet.


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