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Menampilkan postingan dari Mei, 2009

File Extension Bpd

File extensions BPD are usually three, four or more letter codes at the end of computer file names that tell to operating system (Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 95/98/ME/2000,MAC OS X, Linux and Unix operating systems etc.) what kind of file they are dealing with. Tell to OS which applications can automaticaly open or edit the file. We researched and collected a very large list of the file extensions and many with detailed explanations of each file type and the way they are used today. We have also tried to include a few of the common software programs that are associated with each of these file extension types. If you find a file in your computer with an unknown file extension BPD , you can look up the information about desired file extension and its file associations using website. Simply use the search box in the top-left corner of each page to search for a specific file extension . You may also view an alphabetical list of extensions using the st

Gif FIle Extension

The File Extension GIF format is one of the most popular formats on the Internet. Not only is the format excellent at compressing areas of images with large areas of the same color, but it is also the only option for putting animation online (unless you want to use Flash or other vector-based animation formats, which typically cost more). The GIF89a format also supports transparency, and interlacing. GIF files support a maximum of 256 colors, which makes them practical for almost all graphics except photographs. The most common method of reducing the size of GIF files is to reduce the number of colors on the palette. It is important to note that GIF already uses the LZW compression scheme internally to make images as small as possible without losing any data. Generally, file extension GIF files should be used for logos, line drawings and icons. Avoid using it for photographic images, and graphics which have long stretches of continuous-tone in them. When you're designing GIF fil

File Extension SVG

Almost all of us love to keep our pictures, movie, or music in our computer. To keep the availability of the space in our hard disk, we might want to cut the data and load it to CD or DVD. Unfortunately, the DVD, especially CD has limited space to be filled. Compressing the data can be the best solution to load many single or multiple data on a CD. To compress the data, we have to install specific program. Universal Image Format( SVG ) is a powerful compression image file extension SVG format for backuping CD/DVD. It is fast, reliable, and has rich set of features which include password-protected, data encryption, MD5 checksum support and much more. UIF can not only contain the complete data of CD/DVD just like ISO image, but file extension SVG also supports backuping multi-session CD/DVD, Audio-CD, VCD, SVCD and DVD-Video. The Universal Image Format (.UIF) belongs to the MagicISO application, which is available for the Windows Operating system only. MagicISO allows you to open/creat

Perintah Bash di Linux

1. Pendahuluan Apa itu shell ? shell adalah program (penterjemah perintah) yang menjembatani user dengan sistem operasi dalam hal ini kernel (inti sistem operasi), umumnya shell menyediakan prompt sebagai user interface, tempat dimana user mengetikkan perintah-perintah yang diinginkan baik berupa perintah internal shell (internal command), ataupun perintah eksekusi suatu file progam (eksternal command), selain itu shell memungkinkan user menyusun sekumpulan perintah pada sebuah atau beberapa file untuk dieksekusi sebagai program. Macam - macam shell? Tidak seperti sistem operasi lain yang hanya menyediakan satu atau 2 shell, sistem operasi dari keluarga unix misalnya linux sampai saat ini dilengkapi oleh banyak shell dengan kumpulan perintah yang sangat banyak, sehingga memungkinkan pemakai memilih shell mana yang paling baik untuk membantu menyelesaikan pekerjaannya, atau dapat pula berpindah-pindah dari shell yang satu ke shell yang lain dengan mudah, beberapa shell yang ada di li

Proxy Squid di Slackware

Download source dari squid #wget Extract squid tersebut #tar -zxvf squid-2.6.STABLE16.tar.gz -C /usr/local/src (sembarang mau ditaruh di mana hasil ekstraknya squid). Masuk ke direktori ekstrak squid tersebut #cd /usr/local/src/squid-2.6.STABLE16 Buat group dan user yang akan di gunakan untuk menjalankan squid #groupadd _squid #useradd -c “SQUID PROXY CACHE” -d /dev/null -s /bin/false -g _squid _squid saya memberi tanda _ di depan squid biar keren seperti style BSD hehehe meski ada alasan tertentu sih demi security aja. Configure dan install squid #./configure \ –prefix=/squid/ –sysconfdir=/etc/ –enable-gnuregex –enable-async-io=16 \ –with-aufs-threads=16 –with-pthreads –with-aio –with-dl \ –enable-storeio=aufs –enable-removal-policies=heap –enable-delay-pools \ –disable-wccp –enable-cache-digests –enable-default-err-languages=English \ –enable-err-languages=English –enable-linux-netfilter –disable-ident-lookups \