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General information about Server Side Includes

Using Server Side Includes (also known by the acronym SSI), you can directly within HTML files, dynamic information, such as Date and time integrated. You can also run CGI programs, and include their issues, such as a counter with the number of accesses to the current file in the HTML file. Or enter the current contents of various side CGI environment variables directly in HTML off - without having to go through a separate CGI script. Server Side Includes are generally intended for smaller parts of an HTML page dynamically integrate.

Server side includes are executed only if the Web browser, the HTML file on a Web server installed calls, so with a URI of type http:// .... Condition is also that the installed Web server, the Server Side Includes supported. Not all web servers do this, others interpret some of the possible indications. If the server does not know server-side includes, do the instructions in the HTML file. When testing with a locally installed Web server, you read this, please consult the documentation of the server. When used on a public web server, ask your provider if the Web server supports Server Side Includes.

In order for a Web server now detects if an HTML file containing SSI directives, it is customary to characterize such HTML files with a specific filename extension. Usually the file extensions. Loud shtml,. Or shtm. Sht. Most servers ignore SSI directives if they have html in a normal HTML file with the extension. Htm or.!

Server Side Includes, you need to record in an HTML file within a page commentary. There are several server side include statements, beginning with a pound # sign. In the above example, the statements # echo # exec and do occur. Behind the statement is usually followed an indication of the type Type = "value". In connection with the instruction # echo For example, the indication var = "allows variable" where "variable" a certain name should be permitted. It can be acting on behalf of CGI environment variables or special server side include variable names (see below list of known server-side includes, below). With the # exec who runs a program on the server computer, you have the type of program (in the example above: cgi) and as the value of the address of the executable program (in the above example: "/ cgi-bin/plapper. pl "state).


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