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What Can Joomla Do?

Right out of the box Joomla is a very powerful application for websites. The potential it has is amazing. You can have as many or as few pages as you want for your website. This can be great for those website owners that have a lot to say. Adding more pages doesn't bloat the code or the site. Joomla was created to handle a lot of pages.

Joomla was also created to have organization on your site so you aren't having a hard time trying to figure out where all your pages are. You can categorize them anyway that you want. If part of your website is about services you offer you can categorize them, if part of your site is specific information to your industry it can be categorized as well. This also works well for your visitors because you can link to individual sections and categories and let them choose what they want to look at without cluttering the site with different menus.

Once you get into adding things the potential expands even more. The need to pay for extra services becomes almost non-existent. There may be some extensions that do require payment but the majority of them are open source. The problems with linking the applications together, additional logins, and templates, are simplified because the extensions are specific to Joomla. You can access them all just by logging in to the backend of the site and they use the same template that is used for your website so no need to create another template that matches your marketing message.

Newsletter Manager

We are all familiar with the different newsletter managers such as constant contact, icontact, aweber, etc. All of these cost something plus you have to link it into your website. With Acajoom, (newsletter manager for Joomla) you don't have to worry about extra fees or problems linking it to your website. The application is open source so there is no fee associated with it. You have the ability to have multiple lists. It even gives your subscribers the ability to easily select which one of your newsletters they want to subscribe to.

Shopping Cart

One of Joomla extensions is a shopping cart that is also free for use. You can provide discounts, keep track of inventory, accept payments through PayPal, and through other payment processors. All extremely simple to use, and setup fees are reasonable - there is no cost for the cart itself.

Seminar Booking

This is an extension that allows for easy seminar/event registration. Your clients can confirm or even cancel their attendance simply and easily. It accepts payments through PayPal. There are also many other scheduling or event registration options.

Social Profiles

The basis for a community networking site. User profiles that can be enhanced in a variety of ways, including personal guestbooks, personal photo galleries, personal RSS feeds, and much more.


This is a great add-on so that can provide the central communication area for either social sites, or for business support forums. It offers moderation, membership set up and much more. FAR simpler to use than PHPBB, and shares the template with your Joomla site, so setup is much easier and less costly.


Galleries come in many flavors. They may be photo-community oriented, where users can submit photos and create new galleries, or they may be portfolio styled, where you are creating a gallery presentation. They come in both a grid style layout, or a slideshow style, and in varying ranges of complexity and flexibility. If you need a gallery, chances are, Joomla has one available that will do what you need.


More than a link directory. Joomla directories can manage just about anything, and can be used to catalog almost any kind of listing. Whether you need weblinks, course catalogs, resource listings, software libraries, or anything else, a directory is a flexible structure to add to a site to get just the right structure. With customizable forms for entering data, and many ways to extend the function, a directory can be much more than a list of links.

Article Submissions

Right out of the box, Joomla handles the process for both user article submissions, and an approval process (so nothing goes live until you say it can). This functionality can be enhanced in a number of directions, to give better control over the submission or approval process. It can even be integrated with social networking profiles.

This is just a sample listing of what can be added to Joomla and what Joomla can do. As I've stated many times, the possibilities are endless.

Tracy Collins builds affordable websites for business startups and small businesses and she always keeps the business owner's best interests at heart. She is the owner of Fabulous Frugal Websites -

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