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Go Viral With Your Master Re-Sell Rights E-Book

The important thing about your e-book is that you can do what you like with it. Owning the master re-sell rights means the profits are huge, and you can sell it to other people and they can sell it on to more people.

How can you earn an income from your e-book, lets assume you by an e-book with master re-sell rights for $47, you then re-sell the book at the same price. So now you have got your investment back after just one sale. If you sell 11 copies you have made a 1000% profit, not bad for a $47 investment.

If you want your e-book to be viral which means to spread out exponentially this method is effective, but if you want to get it distributed easier and in a shorter time. What do you do, well you give it away.

Why give your e-book away, this is because you are the author of the book, and being the author of the book you can have as many links inside the book as you want. Just do not put to many links in your book, otherwise your readers will be a bit skeptical of the intentions of the book.

The links that you place in your book will point to your website, so therefore you will have one potential customer.

Giving away your book is only part of the strategy, you can also offer these rights to your customers. You can offer them an option to get the book for free, or pay a small fee for the master re-sell rights.

So why would your customers pay for the master re-sell rights, well these rights allow them to use their own links. By using their own affiliate link they can earn a commission from your site.

Having these rights will allow them to give away or sell your e-book to their customers, and so it goes on. Not only do they earn commissions from your site, they earn more money by selling the master re-sell rights or just re-sell the rights. You will now find you have just gone viral.

From Tom F Wilson, I hope you found this article interesting and helpful and if you did, and would like to earn a FANTASTIC income GUARANTEED! then take a look at the step by step video tutorials here!


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