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Menampilkan postingan dari April, 2009

Ubuntu dan Windows XP dual booting

Minimal komputer Anda berspesifikasi RAM (memory) 256 MByte dan menyisakan ruang kosong harddisk 4 GB untuk Ubuntu. Dalam praktek, saya menggunakan CD Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn), harddisk 40 GB yang telah terisi Window$ (sisanya saya instalasikan Edubuntu namun sekarang saya timpa dengan Ubuntu terbaru), menggunakan RAM 512 Mbyte, dan prosesor AMD Sempron 2800+. TENTANG PARTISI DAN FILE-SYSTEM Untuk menginstalasi sistem Multi Booting Anda harus mengerti konsep tentang partisi dan file-system. Sekadar memberitahu Anda, partisi adalah suatu bagian harddisk tempat “mewadahi” kerja program sistem-operasi. Bila sistem-operasinya berbeda maka bentuk partisinya pun berbeda, karena cara kerja tiap sistem operasi berbeda. Bentuk (format) partisi ini dinamakan file-system. Filesystem Linux berbeda dengan Windows. Saya umpamakan Linux sebagai direktur toko swalayan, tentu tempatnya bekerja adalah lingkungan toko swalayan. Sedangkan Window$ saya umpamakan sebagai ketua kantor pajak, tentu tem

Linux itu Flexibel

Perkembangan dunia IT dan perkomputeran tidak terlepas dari berkembangnya berbagai produk. Entah itu produk hardware maupun software. Sebuah perangkat yang dinamakan Personal Computer merupakan perangkat yang terdiri dari berbagai hardware. Kombinasi hardware yang baik, dapat menghasilkan suatu performa atau kinerja yang menarik, alias maksimal. Pengkombinasian hardware ini tidak sekedar asal harga mahal dan spesifikasi yang tinggi saja, tetapi juga melihat kesesuaian antar perangkat yang terkait dan tersusun. Pengkombinasian yang asal, dapat menyebabkan crash bahkan kerusakan pada hardware itu sendiri. Akibat minimal kesalahan pengkombinasian adalah tidak maksimalnya kinerja komputer itu sendiri. Perkembangan hardware tersebut ternyata diimbangi oleh berkembangnya Operating Sistem yang digunakan. Operating Sistem inilah yang menjalankan fungsi kerja dari sebuah computer. Tingginya kemampuan hardware yang digunakan dimanfaatkan dalam pembuatan operating system yang semakin canggih, com

Asal Mula Distro Linux Terpopuler

1. Ubuntu - arti Ubuntu diketahui hampir semua geek , definisinya adalah "sebuah kata Afrika yang berarti 'kemanusiaan untuk semuanya' atau 'saya dibentuk oleh kita semua'. Distribusi Ubuntu membawa semangat Ubuntu ke dunia perangkat lunak." 2. PCLinuxOS - cukup jelas, nama ini berasal dari PC + Linux + Operating System . PCLinuxOS memiliki GUI yang mirip dengan Windows untuk memudahkan transisi pemakai ke Linux. Oleh karena itu mereka menggunakan kata PC (walaupun sebenarnya PC tidak ekslusif untuk Windows). 3. openSUSE - adalah sebuah proyek SUSE open source yang disponsori Novell dan AMD. SUSE adalah akronim dalam bahasa Jerman untuk "Software- und System-Entwicklung" (pengembangan perangkat lunak dan sistem). Akan tetapi ada juga yang mengatakan bahwa nama SUSE dipakai untuk menghormati insinyur Konrad Zuse. 4. Fedora - adalah sebuah proyek Linux komunitas yang disponsori Red Hat. Nama "Fedora" ini diambil dari jenis topi ( fedora ) ya

Membuat Router di Linux Slackware

Tulisan ini ditujukan bagi anda yang sedikit banyak sudah bisa cara menginstall Linux khususnya Slackware Linux. Jika anda belum memahami bagaimana cara menginstall Linux Slackware itu sendiri, silahkan anda jalan2 dahulu ke . Jika PC anda sudah siap dengan min. 2 ethernet card nya, maka ikutilah langkah2 di bawah ini: Pastikan ethernet anda bekerja dengan baik, dan sudah terdeteksi oleh kernel, untuk melihatnya, bisa menggunakan perintah ifconfig atau lsmod, lihat modulnya di load ataukah tidak, atau juga bisa menggunakan perintah dmesg untuk melihat pada waktu booting apakah ethernet anda terdeteksi atau tidak. Jika masih belum terdeteksi silahkan lihat kembali dokumentasi di . Ketikan perintah berikut: echo â€Å“1″>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward, atau chmod +x /etc/rc.d/rc.ip_forward. Perintah tsb untuk mengaktifkan opsi bahwa PC tsb akan difungsikan sebagai router. Masukan IP address untuk tiap-tiap ethernet, edit file /etc/rc.d/

File DAP extension

File extension DAP is used in Microsoft’s relational database system. Files with the DAP extension can therefore open in any computer that has Microsoft’s office installed. Access is a data base engine that has graphical boundaries that allow both seasoned and less adept program users to design and come up with good databases. The file extension is easy to use and allows people to design simple systems that can handle small to average tasks. It also acts as a good tool for the non-professional software developers that use it for application development. When the file extension DAP file extension is used in Microsoft Access, it gives the program the ability to share databases via the internet, which can be through email among other web processes. The programs could also serve as an information entry form. Additionally, the form designed in access can generate interactive reports. The DAP extension further enables the design of dBASE files, Text files, spread sheets and paradox tables.

Linux Slackware Info

Apa itu Linux? Linux adalah kernel yang bersifat UNIX-like, yang ditulis oleh Linus Torvalds dan juga para pengembang yang lain. Linux berjalan pada banyak arsitektur yang berbeda, misalnya pada mesin IA32, IA64, Alpha, m68k, SPARC dan PowerPC. Kernel terbaru dan juga informasi tentang kernel Linux dapat ditemukan pada website kernel Linux: Kernel Linux seringkali disamakan dengan sistem operasi GNU/Linux. Linux hanyalah sebuah kernel, bukan sebuah sistem operasi yang lengkap. GNU/Linux terdiri dari sistem operasi GNU dengan kernel Linux. Bagian berikut ini memberikan deskripsi yang lebih lengkap tentang GNU/Linux. Apa itu GNU/Linux? Pada tahun 1984 Richard Stallman memulai sebuah proyek yang ambisius dengan tujuan yaitu membuat sebuah sistem operasi yang bersifat UNIX-like dan gratis. Nama dari sistem ini adalah GNU, yang merupakan akronim dari “GNU's Not UNIX”. Sekitar 1990, sebagian besar komponen utama dari sistem operasi GNU mulai ditulis, kecuali kernel

File Extension pBP??

Originally, when mytekcontrols and I asked for forum, I thought I knew the answer. But I'm not so sure anymore. It seems like just about everything I write anymore qualifies. Perhaps it's just that I'm always writing re-useable code, but it feels like my file extension PBP is not the same as the PBP I bought. I have so many more functions available to me now because I write with the intention of not having to do it again. So the next program I write, if I need to do the same thing again, it's already there. Just include it and go. But the question now is, have I really extended it, or am I just using the available features that allow re-usable code? Am I really just using PBP the way it was intended from the beginning? Let's say I had a way to buffer serial data so that the processor didn't need to twiddle it's thumbs waiting for the USART to send/receive something. Since PBP can't buffer serial data, does this Extend the capabilities of PBP even thoug

File Extension AB2 Repair

File extensions AB2 can be considered a type of metadata. They are commonly used to infer information about the way data might be stored in the file. The exact definition, giving the criteria for deciding what part of the file name is its extension, belongs to the rules of the specific filesystem used; usually the extension is the substring which follows the last occurrence, if any, of the dot character (e.g. txt is the extension of the filename readme.txt, html the extension of mysite.index.html). On file systems of mainframe systems such as MVS, VMS, and PC systems such as CP/M and derivative systems such as MS-DOS, the file extension AB2 is a separate namespace from the filename. Under Microsoft's DOS and Windows, some extensions, including EXE, COM, BAT, and CMD, indicate that a file is an executable program. This is different from Unix-like operating systems, where a suffix is not a separate namespace, and where even having a suffix is voluntary, as file system permissions a

FLV file Extension

File extension FLV is most commonly associated with Flash compatible video files, which are often used to display streaming media on sites such as YouTube. Though the format refers to Adobe, formerly Macromedia - Flash, the FLV container is an open format and so videos can be exported by other multimedia applications using Adobe's FLV codec. FLV files were originally developed and supported by Macromedia, though details of the format are available for other developers to use, hence its widespread use on video streaming websites. FLV files contain video and audio streams as well as metadata. This is used to store properties of the file, such as its intended dimensions, frame rate, duration and data rates, which are often used by applications to ensure the video is displayed correctly. file extension FLV can also be used to embed video within Shockwave Flash (SWF) files with the use of Adobe's ActionScript language. A File extension is the suffix at the end of a filename and it

FileExtension Bin

Most people are familiar with a few simple file extensions-- basically, the ones we see and use frequently. So after we type a few Word documents or save a few photographs we just know that .doc means a Word document and .jpeg means an image file. However today there are literally thousands of file extensions bin in use and “the problem arises when you get a file from someone else and have no idea what it is or what program will open it.” This can be a real problem if you receive a file with the file extenison bin . The obvious conclusion is that it’s a binary file of some sort. And this may be correct—or not. The fact is, there are 23 distinct uses of the file extension bin, ranging from true binary files to video backup files, game files , Mac encoded files and more.  The three most common types of . bin file extension seem to be Mac encoded files, binary files and video files, so we’ll look at these. If your file is not one of these, you may need to find out what program was used

FLV extension problem

Among other uses, if you obtain a video from YouTube it will likely have the file extension FLV and be a Flash Video File. Media-Convert can convert these files to other formats. See the Conversion FAQ and the FILExt CODEC and Video Player FAQ for viewers like VLan and others. File extension flv is related to Flash-compatible video file exported by the Flash Video Exporter plug-in (included with Adobe Flash) or other program with FLV file support. It consists of a short header, interleaved audio, video, and metadata packets; the audio and video data is stored in a similar format to the standard Flash (.SWF) format. The FLV format is an open format that is also supported by non-Adobe/Macromedia programs; FLV files may be exported from QuickTime Pro or other applications that can export to the QuickTime file format. Macromedia was acquired by Adobe in 2005, so Macromedia Flash Player is now Adobe Flash Player.

Windows BIN files problem

The .BIN/.CUE image file format was developed by Jeff Arnold for the CDRWIN program. An image consists of two files which contain binary data and metadata, respectively. The filenames typically match (e.g. image.bin and image.cue). The file extension BIN contains an exact copy of all data stored on an optical disc in raw, unprocessed form but without any subchannel data. For this reason, some programs use the .RAW suffix for these files. The file contains all data stored on the original disk - not only its files and folders, but also system-specific information such as boot loaders, volume attributes, error correction codes and other metadata on the disk itself. Of the 2352 bytes in each CD sector, only 2048 contain user data; the additional 304 bytes per sector primarily contain error correction information. Other formats, such as .ISO, do not store all this (mostly redundant) information, resulting in a smaller file. The .BIN format is useful for exotic disks, such as those contai

What is File Extension

File extensions are usually three, four or more letter codes at the end of computer file names that tell to operating system (Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 95/98/ME/2000,MAC OS X, Linux and Unix operating systems etc.) what kind of file they are dealing with. Tell to OS which applications can automaticaly open or edit the file like File Extension TMP . We researched and collected a very large list of the file extensions TMP and many with detailed explanations of each file type and the way they are used today. We have also tried to include a few of the common software programs that are associated with each of these file extension types. If you find a file in your computer with an unknown file extension, you can look up the information about desired file extension and its file associations using File extensions TMP website.

Search Engine Terbaru

Meski gak baru-baru amat sih.. yang jelas aku baru tahu kalo ada Searh Engine baru, yang namanya, kesan pertama sih oke juga edsainnya simpel nan elegan, coba-coba saya tuliskan nama blog ini "maztam" yang muncul adalah posting saya yang terbaru, ya lumayanlah untuk search engine baru. Tapi kalo menurut saya ada beberapa yang harus dibenahi, diantaranya adalah koneksinya yang agak lemot, tidak secepat seacrh engine yang lain, tapi yang saya sukai itu dari desainnya yang minimalis, searhc engine yang satu ini rupanya masih dibayang-bayangi oleh mbah google, buktinya ada beberapa adsense yang terpasang (lha koqq),... Tapi oke juga sih menurut saya, domainnya yang simpel mungkin bisa membuat search engine yang satu ini menjadi cepat terkenal, bdwe ini kembali ke pendapat anda masing-masing, mau suka atau tidak itu terserah anda...